Saturday, December 29, 2007

I've got a webcam!

so i was looking for headsets/mics for skype-ing and i noticed that webcams weren't any more all. like, the cheapest headset i found was $14 and the cheapest camera i found was $10. really?

so i got this $20 webcam because it came with a headset and mici know, convenient. it's not very pretty, and i can't move around too much or else it gets blurry. in retrospect, i should have gotten the Bratz webcam...
much more fab.

so i was trying to come up with a good skype name, because cathy wasn't long enough, misscathy and princesscathy were taken. so i'm looking around the room to find something that would have a cool name, and my eyes fall upon:
and i start looking through it and find....ATOMIC TANGERINE, who, evidently, are also multiple bands on myspace. whatever.

exploding pumpernickel?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a webcam too! Webcam chat with me!