Wednesday, September 3, 2008

last hurrah

i just went to the pediatrician's, for the last time. they don't let you stay after you're 21.

so, i go in, sit in the waiting room with the table of toys. i go get my weight and height on a sesame street ruler thing. i have shrunk 3/4 of an inch in the past two years, and i weigh about the same. 20th percentile for each (yay i'm thin! but also woefully short. hmph). but i'm pretty sure their little chart didn't go past 18 years. and my doctor later also told me that i wouldn't be growing anymore. thanks, doc!

left eye (no contact) 20/25. right eye (contact) 20/30. blood pressure 94/68. pulse 72.

so i'm sitting in the room waiting for the doctor. the door's open and many young children walk by. they're cute and talk to the nurses. in the room there are fishies and other sea creatures on the walls. and pamphlets about kids' nutritioni and ADHD. there is a baby scale on the counter.

doctor comes in. asked if i came by myself. notices i'm actually 21. and can drive. geez, how young do i look?? her stethoscope has a beaded lizard on it. the hammer she uses on my legs is a chicken.

i'm all normal, and this time she doesnt even tell me to get more exercise (i tell her i bike to class). i get my shot and a sparkly bandage. yay!

and so, i bid the pediatrician good-bye

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