Thursday, September 4, 2008

Political statuses of my Facebook Friends

Blank Blank is more qualified to be VP than Sarah Palin

Blank Blank loves Sarah Palin

Blank Blank is PROUD of her Republicans today, Sarah Palin is awesome and shows just how out of touch Obama/Biden are by contrast.
[she also happens to be in the facebook group "Sarah Palin is twice the man Barack Obama will ever be". *scratches head*]

Blank Blank is mccain sucked way before he chose palin!

Blank Blank the republicans are fucking idiots

Blank Blank wouldn't be surprised if Palin used her idiot daughter to relate to unwed, inner city moms

Blank Blank decided to look up the definition of maverick: (1) an unbranded range animal; especially: a motherless calf.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so i can obviously read blogs. this should make work interesting...