Monday, November 3, 2008

2 Things I Find Stupid

1. Uninformed normative arguments

i don't know if positive/normative are econ terms. basically, positive statements are facts that can be proven true or false. normative statements are subjective and based on opinion.

they are arguments and not discussions because discussions should be based on some knowledge. you can't "discuss" whether or not God exists. you argue about it, nobody believes the other side, and you leave angry.

things people argue about when they don't know what they're talking about:
other things that make them sound dumb

2. Overspending while in debt

you make $2000 a month. you spend $2500 a month. anything wrong with this picture? the internets is full of frugality tips and really cheap people. these frugality sites also have people who are $20k in debt, leasing a new car every other year, buying designer sunglasses, and whining about how they can't get out of debt. how do you get out of debt? make more money, spend less, or both. yes, it's much harder in practice, but there are stupid little things you can do. most people just don't do them.

if you spend more than you make...stop.

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