Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Schedule

1:00pm: wake up, take shower
1:30pm: grocery shopping
2:30pm: make brine for turkey
2:45pm: while brine cools, chop and prepare
4:00pm: dunk turkey in brine
4:30pm: leave for Philly
6:00pm: arrive in Philly, dine at Las Vegas Lounge
7:00pm: probably lounging at Las Vegas Lounge
8:00pm: sew myself into jailbird costume
9:00pm: play wedding shower jeopardy
and hijinks ensue

1:00pm: wake up, take shower
1:30pm: leave Philly
2:30pm: arrive home
2:45pm: put turkey in oven
2:50pm: prepare stock
4:30pm: make stuffing, put in oven
4:45pm: gravy time
5:15pm: mash potatoes
5:30pm: cranberry sauce
5:45pm: spike the cider
and hijinks ensue

1 comment:

Lorelai said...

And a damn good time it was.