Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm not inclined to resign to maturity...

Sometimes, things really do just fall into place.

Thursday, June 4: spent the afternoon interviewing at Acumen. Getting a bit disheartened about the job search. I had literally gone to dozens of interviews, in addition to possibly hundreds of job applications. I'm not even kidding.
I get kicked out of housing Monday the 15th. Have no solid job prospects. Beginning to consider subletting for the summer to continue the job search.

Monday, June 8: Receive a job offer...what?! An almost magical moment, after my dad had gone from "Get a good job" to "You only need one offer." It's really hard out there. And, added bonus: the people I interviewed with were all super nice. It looks like I found the one place unaffected by the recession. And, I only had one interview. Granted, it was four hours long and included a logic test, but I was expecting way more steps!

And then starts possibly the craziest week ever:
1. Find a place to live! I trolled craigslist for apartments day and night. I scheduled viewings, researched checklists and warnings. I went to each viewing with a clipboard and camera, diligently snapping pictures and taking notes. I turned the kitchen faucet on and noted the water pressure while I made the landlord flush the toilet. Necessary, I know.

2. Graduate! I never really had time to get sad about graduating and leaving Stanford. Well, I guess I spent most of spring quarter sad and depressed about not having a job. I was way too busy near the end to even realize that all my life had basically been built up to this one weekend. It was always the goal, the end of a long series of logical next steps, for as long as I could remember. Now for the first time, my life can take any direction.

3. Move! Thursday, June 11: View a cute apartment in Burlingame, right off of Broadway. Like it. Friday, June 12: Apply. Saturday, June 13: Approved. Monday, June 15: Move in. YEAH IT WAS CRAZY. And U-Hauls are kind of expensive: $20 initial fee + $60 mileage +$20 gas. Much less of a deal over movers than I thought it would be.

And now, I'm in my fourth week of work (of course I would have loved to travel/take a vacation. But, dear reader, one needs money to travel...sigh). I like it there. I like what I do. I like the people. I like my boss! I like the office. I just don't like working. I don't like the endless time horizon. I don't like sitting in the same place ten hours a day. I don't like running errands on weekends when everybody else is. I don't like having a set routine every night: cook, eat, go online, maybe watch some tv, go to bed. Being an adult really sucks.

But, at least I have a sweet closet:
I obviously need more shoes to fill in those sparse rows. Or, I guess I can just pick up the shoes all over the floor...

And here is my garden!

And some art!
I am kind of terrible at taking pictures of this apartment.

In other news, I'm super excited for season 4 of Psych! WATCH IT!

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